The First D*** Page

So, what the hell *is* this website anyways?

Right now, it might just look like a sea of purple with a little bit of Courier and Tahoma on it, and to be entirely honest, that's what it is right now. It barely even has rich text. It's all done in quite basic HTML. However, this site will evolve, and be representative of my learning process as it does. I plan to maintain an archive of how the site looked at various points throughout its history. This site is going to be a commonplace book of sorts.

Why Neocities?

Some days ago, my roommate and I had a discussion about recent happenings (read, the banning of a certain trans woman, who will go unnamed, from tumblr) wherein I told her that we cannot simply beg corporations, who, by their nature, are hostile to the mere existence of trans folk, given we defy the capitalist desire to categorize all of humanity into simple market demographics; and as such, we should seek to create our own communities, off the corporate internet. Tumblr, after all, was created to kill Blogger, and more or less succeeded. Sure, microblogging apps have made long-form posting more accessible to the masses, but only by stripping them of basic tech literacy, in a pretty clear-cut example of coercive control. We flock to their sites because they have, by creating them, made an alternative to learning one of the most accessible coding languages that is so simple, so clean and saccharine that it is irresistible to the lazy.

There is also something deeply comforting about the level of control granted by actually getting into the guts of the code. Playing with electric viscera. It is something like surgery, and I, something like a fleshcrafter, stitching together little tags of HTML and CSS into a site that more or less works. I feel as Viktor Frankenstein must have when his Adam arose.

Who are you, then?

A girl with a lot of dreams, who suffers from the delusion that there are people out there who care enough to read what she has to say, and that maybe, maybe, she can help make the world a better place with some of those words, and with the little things she does every day. I apologize if it sounds self-aggrandizing, but I've been reveling in the fact I'm the most important person in my own life for the first time in a while.
